Pitch Reality Board Game

The aim of the Pitch Reality Board Game is to learn and practice pitching your business to investors to perform better at the Q&A section. Identifying when someone asks you a promotion or prevention style question and how this impacts investment. 

The player will go through the motions of setting up and scaling a business. Each lap on the board hits some of the typical events any business may face. With a bit of luck you can scale up, exit and become the investor. You can choose to play with our businesses or with your own real business.


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We expect that this could be a hit with conscious business schools, investors and incubators.

We will come along with the games to play and we will facilitate the discussion around changing the dynamic and ensuring women have a better chance on receiving investment.

Minimum duration 3 hours to allow for play time and debriefing – playdate package £500 + travel expenses at cost

If you would like a full 1 or multiple days’ workshop with research findings, then we would like to speak to you first to ensure we can match expectation and dates. Minimum number of attendees is 15.

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If you want to host your own game sessions and debriefs, we are also working on a deck and facilitators guide. This will be shipped together with a number of printed games. Let us know how many you will need, and we will draft up the package deal for you



We are looking to bring a digital version to life also to reach even more people. Hence, we are looking for funding and sponsorship to make this a reality.

Find us online: www.pitch-reality.com
Follow us on Facebook: @pitchreality

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