Place the board. Place the market events, business events and inspiration cards in the middle of the board.

All players throw a dice. The player who rolled the highest number becomes the Investor, in case of a tie the dice is rolled again by the tied players. The investors handle all of the money transactions in the game.

All remaining players are entrepreneurs and they each select a Start-Up by choosing a Business Type card. The entrepreneurs then read their ‘Business Type’ Card.

All entrepreneur’s line-up on the Start-Up square. The highest dice roll will determine who starts and will work clockwise going forward.


The business with the most money at the end of 5 rounds wins the game. All money earned throughout the game counts. If you swapped roles in the game, your business had a successful exit, but unfortunately that money is consumed and doesn’t count. If the game is tied, the Investor wins.


Entrepreneurs must roll a 6 in order to be granted their Start-up capital of 200K and leave the Start-Up square. If you haven’t rolled a 6, then you can choose to start with 60K or continue rolling the dice until you hit 6 and collect your 200K. Some businesses take longer to get started than others. Players take it in turns to roll the dice to determine how many spaces they move around the board. The Investor handles all of the money transactions.

If you land on:

You have 1 minute to pitch to the Investor, the person on your left keeps the 1-minute time. At the end of your pitch or when time ran out, it’s time for Q&A.
The Investor asks you a question from the ‘Investor Question’ card deck based on your in-game gender. Your first job is to guess whether it is a promotion or prevention style question. You then answer the question to the best of your ability, relating to your chosen business. The Investor tells you which style question it was and will decide if you have earned “Promotion” or “Prevention” scoring for your answer. You will be paid out your investment based on the answer scoring “Promotion” or “Prevention” as listed on the investor question cards.


The Investor asks you a question from the ‘Investor Question’ card deck based on your in-game gender. Your first job is to guess whether it is a promotion or prevention style question. You then answer the question to the best of your ability, relating to your chosen business. The Investor tells you which style question it was and will decide if you have earned “Promotion” or “Prevention” scoring for your answer. You will be paid out your investment based on the answer scoring “Promotion” or “Prevention” as listed on the investor question cards.


The entrepreneur with the most cash becomes the Investor and the Investor picks from the remaining business type cards and joins the game at Start-Up. The entrepreneur who becomes Investor returns his business and money as if they had a profitable exit. The new entrepreneur starts with 200K at the Start-Up square and rolls the dice to continue the game.


The start-up business background will include gender of the owner, if you started as a female you now become a male entrepreneur and vice versa.


Draw a card from the inspiration card pile, read it out and then collect the bonus – only the player that landed on this square receives the bonus money.


Draw a card from the business event pile, read it out and suffer or enjoy the consequences – this applies only to the player that landed on this square.


Draw a card from the market event pile, read it out and all affected players suffer or enjoy the consequences. This can apply to all or a few players around the board.


Your taxation is due, lose 10% of your current funding.


If your company has money, then you ask the Investor to retain. The Investor can choose to negotiate a deal whereby you retain your funds for a higher Dividend, or ask you to pay out their share of the Dividend, which has a default value of 20% of your capital unless otherwise negotiated.

If, at any time, a player needs to pay more than they can afford, they pay as much of the sum as possible and play continues as if the full payment has been made.